
Your Homepage to the Sentinel.

Live Data and Fleet Analytics

The dashboard is your front page online to the Sentinel platform and displays all recent data from the number of insights you've received to the number of models and devices currently being used on deployments.

At a glance, a map and list of your models and devices are also available on this screen, each of which has more information on their respective pages.

Naviage the online dashboard with the left sidebar, clicking:

  • My Devices to view and manage your Sentinel fleet remotely

  • My Models to view and manage (install/uninstall) your species models

  • Insights to see the filtered data being sent live from your Sentinel fleet

  • Datasets to view, manage, and upload your image datasets

  • Map to view a full-screen visualization of your Sentinel fleet locations and insight patterns

  • Account to make edits to your Profile, Billing, Security, and Preferences settings

Last updated